Jamaican Time: A Poem by Hanna Harris (1/18/14)
There are 1,013,913 words in the English language
Yet I couldn't string any of them together
To properly describe this beauty
Sensory intake has interrupted my soliloquies
Red dirt on skin turned to tea leaves on rust
Time took a break to look around
Veins run like rivers
Dumping into the ocean
Poetry flows from waving fingertips
Voices are ballroom dancing with each other
And we all realize
Time is a nasty little habit
Everything has become animalistic
Like there's a primal urge to be happy
Forget the iPhones
Nothing compares to the imprints on my palms
From pressing my hands on the collar bones of
This is a poem I wrote as a part of my final project for J-Term. I wrote it here in Jamaica while I was sitting on a porch in Falmouth. I was looking out at the town and thinking about what I've seen here and the culture as a whole. People here are always talking about "Jamaican Time" as opposed to regular time, because no one here gives much thought to punctuality. Everything is very relaxed, which is one of my favorite things about Jamaica. This poem was very fun to write because it means a lot to me and it sums up my feelings on the subject very well.
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