Photos: Local (And Not So Local) Interaction (1/15/14)
Ian and Emily import their sketches from the house on 27 Newton Street into AutoCAD, a design and engineering program used to create blueprints. |
Liz, Riane, Jodi, Isabella, Iris, Dr. Lee, and Brayden listen to an older woman preach to us about God, while Shelby taught us how to mix the limestone mortar. |
A mother and her child walk down the street; their gazes fixed on the towering cruise ship above. |
Due to the tunnel winds formed by the mix of cruise ships and coastal gusts, it was extremely windy. In order to adapt to this, Grace, Liz, and Hanna attempted to turn into birds. |
Dr. Quillin amusingly mimics Usain Bolt in "Falmouth Historic District." |
Riane and Megan looked through a shop run by a local, ultimately ending in Riane's purchase of a bracelet. |
Grace bought some sugar cane from a street vendor and kindly gave a piece to everyone. |
I happened to stumble upon these two Jamaican women selling clothing in a market. |
A handicapped man agreed to let me take a picture of him in the market square. |
A local spice seller joins in on cheerful conversation in the market. |
The students pose for a photo in front of Falmouth Heritage Renewal's office. |
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