Photos: Trip to the All Age School and the beach (1/19/15)

Megan reading to an elementary school student at the Falmouth All Age School.

An elementary school student holding up the hat she made today with the Post Oak High School students.

The middle school students worked on a construction paper chain, where they wrote answers to questions about themselves, as well as Jamaica.

Here is a picture of the final chain that was hung in their middle school classroom.

A view of the cruise ship in port, from the playground of the All Age School

Paloma, Jodi, Amber, and Megan posing with new made friends from the school.

Along with the school, we all spent the afternoon of the last day of the trip at the beach, where we enjoyed clear water and sunbathing.

We made thank you notes for everyone who made our trip so amazing. Pictured is Shiraz and Aldain, who helped serve our meals and helped keep the place we stayed in nice and clean.

The students presented Dr. Quillin and Dr. Lee with thank you cards to show our appreciation for them over the trip. We have affectionately called them mom and dad the last 10 days.
