Day 3: Sketch up with us!
Today we got a taste of what main project we want to participate in for the rest of this trip. People split up into groups and did either archaeology, a 3D architectural modeling project, or Falmouth oral history. It was really interesting how different each of these projects are, and how much it pushes you out of your comfort zone, whether it be physically, socially, or technologically. For example, for our archaeology activity we drove up to a Taino excavation site, where we learned about the different roles needed for finding artifacts. I was screening, which meant that I held a screen and someone shoveled dirt onto it, and I had to sift through it and find shells, pottery, and flint shards. After that, I participated in the Falmouth oral history project, where we went around town interviewing different women, and asking them questions to help us better understand how they view beauty. We asked them questions that revolve around: What makes you feel beautiful? and What are Jamaican beauty/fashion trends? It was interesting to see all of their responses. After that, some people participated in the 3D architectural modeling project on a program called "Sketchup". I hear that is was very difficult trying to create a drawing and maneuver the controls for the first time. It was a day full of learning, and we can't wait for many more!
Can't wait to learn how "sketchup" is going!