Day 4: Tharp's Wharf - Garrett
As we began on our long-term projects today, my group received our first introduction to the historic site that we will be working to document over the course of the next week. After a short introduction to Sketch Up, the 3D modeling program we will use to complete the task ahead, it was the time time to learn about the historical significance of the project's subject matter. With the help of Mr. Harding, the project's leader and our instructor, we learned about Tharp's Wharf, storage and shipping port for the many sugar plantation in the area that were owned and operated by John Tharp. (1744 - 1804) As we were taught about the likely locations and functions of the many buildings that would have been found on the expansive seaside property, we began to question the whereabouts of this locations and why we hadn't seen it or visited it on our tour. Our questions would not go unanswered for long, however, as we were told that all the buildings, except for Tharp's home, had been destroyed and the location wasn't even by the sea anymore, as that part of the coast had been reclaimed for the construction of the Royal Caribbean port. Based on this information, it became increasingly evident that there was a dire need for documentation and an elevation of social awareness about this historical site. As it turned out, Falmouth Heritage Renewal already had a working model of the site, but only Tharp's house had been fully detailed and finished, as a result of lack of both lack of information about the buildings and a lack of time on the side of the FHR staff. And so, we were introduced to our task, filling in and detailing the parts of the property which weren't yet done to create a more comprehensive and historically sound model of the landmark. We made a bit of headway on the actual work after this, as the the majority of the afternoon was spent learning the ins and outs of the program and the history behind it. However, this project looks incredibly promising, and I can't wait to get to work!
What an amazing opportunity!