Day 4: The Positive People of Falmouth (by Brooks)

Today I joined the Falmouth city study group. Through this study, I learned a lot about Falmouth and it's people. When it comes to Falmouth's people there is nothing they find more important than the community. You will see people from many different lifestyles come together in a way that you cannot find anywhere else. Some of these people may be having friendly interactions all while dealing with severe circumstances such as being homeless or not having access to running water. I think it is these interactions that just come to show how good many of us in the U.S. have it. A common occurrence I noticed throughout the interviews today was people's idea of access to running water. Our city study addresses some of these severe circumstances. Specifically, in one of the questions there was a miscommunication when I asked the question if they had access to running water. At the beginning of the day, some would reply with "The River" or "It depends on the weather". When writing the questions from the study we thought that access to running water was clear enough, but maybe we take something like this for granted. In the U.S all of us have a similar understanding of what we consider access to running water to be and if we have access to it or not. In a place like Falmouth, people think positively about having a source of running water whether it is in their house or not. I believe it is this positive mindset through these issues which separate the people of Falmouth from the people anywhere else. After these many interviews, we have identified some misunderstandings within our questions, and how we can rephrase them to help communicate more effectively .
