Bonus Photo Blog - Greatest Hits (by Blake)

Favorite Photos from the Jamaica trip 

Jordan and Anna K with Ms. Claudine after an interview on day 8

Charlie and Ashwin amazed at the size of Charlie's ice cream on day 9

The film group munching on ice cream on day 4

Blake, Ashwin, Charlie, and Kamar painting the side of the house on day 7

Anna K, Emory, Isabelle, and Anna T at the Covey ruin on day 6

The students bonding at the Coach House in Good Hope on day 6

Emory and Anna K bonding with a student at the All Age School on day 2

Tyler digging a shovel test pit on day 10 

Leon and Blake painting the porch of the house they are restoring on day 4

Students and faculty of the Falmouth Field School outside the Montego Bay Cultural Center
