
Welcome to the Falmouth Field School Blog. In this ongoing course, students acquire a deep appreciation for the role played by the Jamaican port city of Falmouth in the global sugar and slave trade of the 17th to 19th centuries and for the ways that the global economic system (in particular, cruise ship tourism) continues to transform the lives of the city’s inhabitants.Through ongoing projects in archaeology, architectural restoration, and documentary film, students help to preserve the heritage of Jamaica while  forming life-long relationships of empathy and friendship with the Jamaicans with whom they work and live. In keeping with the field school model, students are encouraged to take the course as many times as they are able, strengthening their relationships and expanding the depth and scale of their personal interests over time.

Field School Alumni

J-Term 2019: 
(Left to Right): Andreas, Ren, Cole, Claire, Sage, Anna, Luke, Josey, Emory, Sutton, Gabe, Tyler
(Left to Right): Connor, Izabella, Arjhong, Izzie, Andrew, Claire, Sydney, Ren, Anna, Caleb, Zoey, Sage
(Left to Right): Destiny, Leighla, Cole, Jordan, Andrew, Anna, Dua'a, Daniel, Connor, Claire, Garett, Logan

Needs Photo
Top Row (Left to Right): Hanna, Jodi, Megan, Matthew, Paloma
Bottom Row (Left to Right): Dr. Quillin, Emily, Amber, Iris, Shiraz, Ian, Dr. Lee

Top Row (Left to Right): Brayden, Hanna, Riane, Megan, Liz , Isabella, Jodi
Bottom Row (Left to Right): Iris, Grace, Kirby, Emily, Ian
